August 2024 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

A bit of this and a bit of that! It’s either too hot, wet, cold or something else.  Good for the garden and I am
enjoying mine.
There is no Oxfordshire Inspires Newsletter from the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs this month as the last one was a double issue. Do have a second look – events, holidays and much more. You will have an opportunity to meet both Tracy Strain, our County chairman and Catherine Blaxhall, our WI Adviser, at the garden party. Do look them up in the magazine.
Jean joined us last month and promptly bumped into two old colleagues, one who was a visitor and also wants to join.
A big welcome also to Carol. We are thrilled to welcome Pat Durrant on to the committee. This now makes us a committee of eight..
We have explored an outing to Buscot Park on Wednesday 4 September at 2pm.
A board with all the details will circulate at the garden party so that you can sign up if you would like to come.

Wednesday 14 August at 2 pm Garden Party in my garden. Approximately thirty people are now coming and I only have seating for fifteen, so please bring a chair if you can. There will be tea, cake, a raffle and a quiz plus lots of chat.

Monday 19th August 12.30 pm Lunch Club at the Spread Eagle. Interested? Contact Pauline.

Book Club/ Library? Did you read a brilliant book over the summer? Do let us know so maybe more can enjoy it! Last month we heard from Lynn Carter who wrote a book for young children. Do you have a story? We would love to know.
Sunday 4 August  2 pm onwards  Coffee Club meeting in Coffee Aroma. All welcome.
Friday 27 September 2pm Craft Group meeting in the Morgan Room, Northcourt Centre. Contact Hilary.
The Art Group continues to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning in the Morgan Room, Northcourt Centre.
There is now a waiting list.  Contact Viv.
Next WI Monthly Meeting Tuesday 10 September. The speaker will be Danielle Mills telling us about medical detection dogs.
Monday 30 September  Jubilee Group Meeting in Drayton Village Hall
Speaker Julie Ann Godson ‘’The Water Gypsy’’ Tickets £3.00 from Val 
All the best Trine