Members’ Meetings

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Abingdon Fitzharrys WI suspended in person meetings as a result of Covid 19 restrictions from April 2020.  In 2021 meetings via Zoom were organised as an alternative and since June 2021 they are delighted to be able to gather together again in person at the new meeting time of 1.30 pm.  See details of the 2024-25 programme below. 


9 January – games and quiz afternoon. Intriguingly, now to be replaced by the arrival of a surprise mystery visitor.  This afternoon we also plan to discuss the four campaigning resolutions for 2024 proposed by the National Federation of WIs.

13 February – Al Sylvester will tell us about his trip to the South Pole (change to original programme).

12 March – Annual General Meeting followed by a talk by Karen and Brett Wiles about living on a barge entitled ‘Isn’t it cold in the winter?’  There will be a fruit and vegetable raffle and hot cross buns served with our cups of tea.

9 April – a talk on the Foundling Hospital by John Caldicott

14 May – a floral demonstration with Val Smith with a chance for everyone to make an arrangement of their own with flowers and foliage provided.  Also an opportunity to discuss and vote on the National Federation of WI’s campaigning resolution for this year. The resolution is:

Dental Health MattersThere is a chronic shortage of NHS Dentists and people are suffering health issues as a result. The NFWI calls on the Government to increase investment in the training and retention of dentists and to review the current inadequate NHS contracts in order to ensure everyone can access an NHS dentist wherever they live.

11 June – a talk by our treasurer Judy Claydon on her recent trip to South America.  Also a plant sale.

9 July – a talk by Lynn Carter on how to write and publish a book.  There will also be a fruit and vegetable raffle.

No monthly meeting in August. See Future Events for details of the summer garden party.

10 September – a talk by Danielle Mills on medical detection dogs.

8 October Members’ afternoon to be organised by members. Details to follow.

12 November – a talk by Hayley Scott entitled “A day in the life of a Metropolitan Police Crime Scenes Officer”. There will also be a fruit and vegetables raffle.

10 December – Deborah Ellis “I am a poet but not as you know it”. Christmas Tombola.


14 January – Gillian Cane will talk to us on “The Miracle of Bletchley Park and more”.  Also discussion and vote on National Federation of WI’s proposed campaigning Resolutions for 2025.

11 February – an Open Meeting featuring “Mr Barber – Marker of Swans to His Majesty the King”

11 March – Annual Meeting

8 April – Jane Fletcher will tell us “How to make treasured memories”

Meetings feature a talk by a visiting speaker or other organised activities, updates on future events and recent developments, all followed by refreshments and social time.

We are pleased to welcome visitors. If you are thinking of joining the Women’s Institute. why not come along to a meeting? Either turn up on the night or to get in touch through our CONTACT US page.

Please come along to a meeting (with no obligation to join) to try us out.

Abingdon Fitzharrys WI is a member of the Oxfordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes