Abingdon Fitzharrys Women’s Institute

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

The Women’s Institute (WI) is the largest women’s voluntary organisation in the UK with about 220,000 members.

The WI gives members the opportunity to learn something they didn’t know or couldn’t do before. It gives the opportunity to make new friends, share interests, learn new skills and have fun.

The WI organise visits to places of interest and events that you may never have considered going to.

We welcome the chance to give something back to the community and will often host sales and events to raise money for local charities and organisations.

Abingdon Fitzharrys WI was formed in 1966 and continues to flourish, currently with around 43 members.

We meet at The Northcourt Centre on the second Tuesday of each month at the new time of 1.30 pm. Disabled access and ample parking are available. The Centre is also a walk of about a quarter of a mile from the Boundary House bus stop on Oxford Road, for those wishing to use public transport. The group used to meet in the evenings, but it was decided that a move to the afternoon would facilitate the resumption of regular meetings following the enforced closure of more than a year due to Covid 19 restrictions. A series of Zoom meetings were organised from March 2021 and In person meetings were able to resume in June 2021.

At each meeting, we have a talk or a demonstration followed by social time which might include a quiz, cheese and wine or a workshop. We try to cover a variety of interests throughout the year with our choice of speakers. Our annual programme also includes events such as coffee mornings, a summer outing, a garden party and a Christmas lunch.

Members of our Institute also organise a walking group, an art group, and a craft group, and a monthly lunch club.

In addition, there are opportunities to join a wide range of events organised by the Oxfordshire Federation.

We are pleased to welcome visitors. If you are thinking of joining the Women’s Institute. why not come along to a meeting? Either turn up on the night or to get in touch through our CONTACT US page.