About us
Fitzharrys WI was established in 1966 and has around 43 members.
We meet at The Northcourt Centre on the second Tuesday of each month from 1.30 pm to 3.45 pm. Disabled access and ample parking are available. Northcourt Centre is about a quarter of a mile walk from the Boundary House bus stop on the Oxford Road for those wishing to use public transport.
President Trine Lucy
Secretary Jean Stirrup
Treasurer Judy Claydon
June Bruce, Val Smith, Ann Prior, Hilary Kell, Pat Durrant
At each meeting we have a talk or a demonstration followed by social time which might include a quiz, cheese and wine or a workshop. We try to cover throughout the year a variety of interests with our choice of speakers. Our annual programme also includes events such as coffee mornings, a summer outing, a garden party and a Christmas lunch.
Members of our Institute also organise a walking group, an art group, a craft group, a lunch group and a monthly Sunday coffee club. There are also trips to the theatre and to live screenings
In addition there are opportunities to join a wide range of events organised by the Oxfordshire Federation.
We are pleased to welcome visitors. If you are thinking of joining the Women’s Institute. why not come along to a meeting? Either turn up on the day or to get in touch through our CONTACT US page.
If you would like to join Abingdon Fitzharrys WI the annual subscription for the year commencing 1 April 2025 is £51.00, which includes 8 copies a year of WI Life, the national WI magazine, delivered to your door. If you are joining during the course of the year, there is a reduced subscription charge.
Please come along to a meeting with no obligation to join to try us out..
Abingdon Fitzharrys WI is a member of the Oxfordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes.
Oxfordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes
National Federation of Women’s Institutes