February 2025 newsletter
February 2025
Spring around the corner,
The sun will come out tomorrow or very soon! We had 3 visitors last month who I really hope will join us permanently. It was nice to welcome Maria back. She looks after our website, do have a look.
Please introduce yourself and chat to a new member .
We are busy preparing for our AGM in March. Judy will be back from her travels, meanwhile we have been very lucky to have Pat keeping an eye on the pennies. The annual subscription is due in by 1st April. All information will be available at the next meeting.
We have booked speakers up till May 2026, which includes our Diamond Anniversary in February 2026.
We hope to have the new programme ready for you in April.
You will be thrilled to hear that we have received two promises of several tea towels. So all is now well in kitchen department!
Meanwhile l look forward to seeing you in February for our OPEN meeting. Tell all your friends. There might even be cake as well as biscuits!
Wednesday 19 February 12.30 pm Lunch Club at the Spread Eagle in Northcourt Road. Contact Pauline.
Book Library: Janet has taken on running a book library. Please approach her for a good read.
Sunday 2 February 2 pm onwards Coffee Club at Coffee Aroma, High Street, Abingdon. All welcome.
Friday 28 February Craft Group at Northcourt Centre. Contact Hilary.
Art Group Every 2nd and 4th Monday morning in the Morgan Room, Northcourt Centre. There are currently two vacancies. Contact Viv.
Tuesday 11 February 1.30 pm WI monthly meeting. This is an open meeting, so non WI members are welcome and information has been sent out to local WIs to encourage their members to come along.
Visitor entry costs £3.00.
The Speaker is Mr David Barber – Swan Marker to HM the King.
Tuesday 29 April Jubilee Group Meeting at Northcourt Centre at 7.30 pm.
Speaker: Dr Kathryn Harkup ‘’Dying to be Beautiful’’. Tickets available at the monthly meeting.