July 2024 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Here we are again midsummer just gone!  I am so sorry about the sound system or rather lack thereof last month.
The Northcourt Centre has decided to buy a replacement. The old one must be 20 years old at least and technology has moved on since then.

A big welcome to Jean who came as a visitor last month and hopes to join as a member in July.

Please read the Oxfordshire Inspires magazine, published by the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs, which we deliver to most of you prior to the meetings. It contains details of so many opportunities available. If you need help you can telephone the Federation Office on 01869 331081 on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

I’m still hoping that we may be able to set up an Abingdon Fitzharrys Book Club/Library. We received one book
to borrow last month.

Sunday 7 July  Coffee Club meeting Coffee Aroma 2 pm onwards.
Friday 28 June Craft Group meeting at 2 pm in the Morgan room at Northcourt Centre. Bring your own craft project for a .Sew, chat and tell session. Contact: Hilary Kell.
The Art Group continues to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning of the month in the Morgan room at Northcourt Centre. There is now a waiting list.  Contact: Viv Lowe.
Tuesday 16 July Lunch Club 12.30 pm at The  Spread Eagle, Northcourt Road. Get to know each other while you share a meal. Want to join? Contact Pauline Claridge.
Tuesday 9 July Next monthly meeting.  Do you have a story you would like to write? Lynn Carter did just that.
Come and find out how. Bring a piece of fruit or a vegetable for the raffle please.

Saturday 27 July Northcourt Centre Quiz Night £10 per person.

Don’t forget :
Wednesday 14 August Garden party  2pm in my garden. Tea, cake, raffle and a quiz. Raffle donations welcome.
Tickets June/July meetings £4.00. I might need a few extra chairs.

Monday 30 September  Jubilee Group meeting in Drayton Village Hall. Details and tickets available at the July meeting

All the best Trine


Categories: Newsletters