October 2019 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on


I hope some  of you were able to go along to the craft exhibition at Didcot. It was well worth a visit. I expect by now you will have heard the news that our entry came third out of 23.   Congratulations! Well done Fitzharrys. Our thanks to everyone in the team.  

There was a variety of amazing craft work exhibited by WI members, past  and present.  A number of our members  had their work on display.  Please bring your exhibits  on Tuesday evening for us all to see.

Our Bring and Share supper/games night went well.  I think everyone enjoyed listening to one another’s reactions to Anita’s questionnaire.  The Bingo caused much hilarity, taking it almost to the last number on the board to find the winner.

This month we’re having a pottery work shop.  The speaker will be bringing a range of items for us to decorate for which there will be a small charge.

Here are some dates for your diary.

Monday 14 October – Walking Group walk around Blewbury. Drivers are needed. Please let Jenny know if you can provide transport.

Monday 14 October 10am to 1pm – Art Group workshop in the Morgan Room taken by artist Elizabeth Baldin.

Monday 28 October – talk by Stella Rimington at Oxford Town Hall.

Friday 1 November 2pm – Craft Group  meet at Brenda Winn’s house.

Wednesday 27 November 10am to 3.30pm – Caribbean and the Windrush Generation Day at Benson Parish Hall

Wednesday 4 December – Food Glorious Food. OFWI coach trip to London, including fish & chip lunch – Members £46, (£49 non-members).

Friday 6 December – Abingdon Fitzharrys Christmas lunch at the Hilton Garden Inn, Abingdon. If you wish to come please bring your cheque books to Tuesday’s meeting – three courses plus coffee and mince pies. £20.

Tuesday 10 December  –  Abingdon Fitzharrys Christmas Celebration – mulled wine, mince pies, Christmas tombola, collection of toiletries for O’Hanlon House.

WI LIFE magazine –   do read this month’s copy.  You just might come across someone you know, and find out about her other life.

Please bring donations to Tuesday’s meeting for the Food Bank.

The summer is coming to an end  and as the nights draw in we can look forward  to our autumn  programme taking us up to Christmas.   




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