The first meeting of 2025
I thought today’s speaker was exceptional. She really brought Bletchley Park to life, even if like me
you have visited more than once.
With so much happening l am just making sure all the helpers receive a proper thank you.
The four committee members who explained the Resolutions deserve a special mention and thanks – Ann, Jean, Pat and Val. I hope we all now know where the pelvic floor is.
A BIG thank you to Pat who stood in for Judy our Treasurer. Judy is standing down in March and it would be helpful to have two members sharing the task. Please think about it if you like numbers.
We had two members sign up to join the committee in March. Yippee!!
Following discussion of one of the Resolutions, Mary has offered to collect medication packaging and deliver it to those chemists in town which collect the packaging for recycling. Boots, Superdrug and the chemist in Stert Street all do, l believe. Thank you Mary.
Denise, thank you for selling all the OFWI Rafflebooks .
The Art Group has two vacancies. Contact Viv. Details in my monthly newsletter.
All the help and donations to the raffle and sales table are much appreciated. Thank you.
I hope the three visitors today all enjoyed it as well and want to join us on a permanent basis.
Please see the photo showing hats and blankets knitted for the Special Care Babies Unit and the jumpers for babies in Africa. Keep knitting Ladies. I certainly will. You are all wonderful.