April 2024 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

A very Happy Easter to you all.
A big thank you for re- electing me as your President for another year. We must also thank Dee who looks after the MCS list (Membership Communication System) and Maria, no longer a member, who looks after our website. You are both much valued.  We have co-opted Ann Prior on to the committee – welcome Ann!  And another welcome to Pauline and Jan who have both joined as new members. I am also thrilled to tell you that Jean Stirrup has agreed to become our new Secretary.

Four of us went to the Annual Meeting of the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs at Cassington in March, in various capacities. It was a fantastic meeting with great speakers and guess what?  Abingdon Fitzharrys Wl came third out of seventeen entries in the poster competition.  Well done to Mary for helping with that.  We also bumped into Pat Llewellyn’s daughter Linda, attending as a trustee from the Northamptonshire Federation. Pat was a long time member of Abingdon Fitzharrys WI whom many of you will remember.

Do think about coming along to this meeting next year as it’s a good way to learn about the WI.  Hilary and l spoke to a lovely lady who has found herself as the new President of Clifton Hampden & Burcot WI . She has only been in the WI for 18 months and is now learning on the job. It can be done. Don’t be shy!

BOOK CLUB – I am still living in hope that someone who loves reading comes forward to run one.

Sunday 7 April 2pm onwards – Coffee club meeting at Coffee Aroma, all welcome.
Friday 26 April 2pm Craft Group in the Morgan Room, Northcourt Centre. Stitched Cards with Sheila.
Art Group continues to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning in the Morgan room. There is now a waiting list.
Lunch Club – Get to know each other while you share a meal. Next date is Tuesday 16 April at the Spread Eagle.

Next monthly meeting is on Tuesday 9 April and John Caldicott will tell us about the Foundling hospital – a very moving story at times.
After tea Hilary will give a short report about the Annual meeting mentioned above.

Saturday 13 July 2.30 pm Funny Girl at Oxford Playhouse. There will be a list for you to add your name if you would like to go.

All the best Trine

Categories: Newsletters