June 2020 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Good afternoon Ladies,

well here we are on 9 June and still we are unable to meet together. As you will all be aware tonight would have been our June meeting and strawberries and cream were planned for refreshments.  However, the committee did meet outside today, and were very aware to be socially distancing  from one another.  At present we do not know when we can meet again but hopefully we will have more news from the Government on 4 July.  If restrictions are lifted a little, it has been proposed we arrange a garden party/tea in August or September in order to try to get back a little normality, but at present everything is still on hold.

Another suggestion has been to hold a virtual coffee morning, using Zoom. Please let me know how you feel about that, and we will arrange a day and time.

If you have taken part in any of the OFWI’s Zoom talks or activities.e.g “Doddle art” please let me know.  There are a lot more in this months News and Views, as Denman now has some on offer too.

In the meantime, please take care of yourselves; we look forward to meeting again in the not too distant future.


Categories: Newsletters