December 2022 newsletter
HO, HO !
In Norway we are meant to bake seven different types of biscuit for Christmas, so that there is always something in the cupboard to offer at Yuletide. Well, l have been in a cupboard, but not with biscuits, our WI one at Northcourt Centre. The books have all been cleared so we can start afresh. Maybe you have read one or two good books recently that you can donate so we can replenish the sales table. In good condition please.
A big welcome to Lin who came last month as a visitor.
WI LIFE the national WI magazine – Please keep the Nov/Dec issue that has just been delivered as the four WI campaigning resolutions for 2023 are explained in it, and we shall be debating them and voting for our preferred option next May.
Craft club Met for a second time. Watch this space.
Art Group continues to meet twice a month. Details from Viv Lowe.
Lunch Club Still hoping to set this up, but we need one or two people to help with the administration of it.
Friday 2 December Christmas lunch at Cosener’s House, meeting at 12 for 12.30 pm.
Sunday 4 December Coffee and chat in Coffee Aroma, 2pm onwards.
Tuesday 13 December Our Christmas meeting. Ben Heaney from Abingdon Music Centre will entertain us. There will also be a special Christmas Tombola, mulled wine and mince pies. ENJOY !
Saturday 28 January 2023 Evita at Oxford Playhouse. Thirty WI ladies and a few husbands from three Abingdon WIs signed up for tickets. Should be fun.
Happy Christmas to you all or should l say God Jul.