January 2024 newsletter
Here comes 2024. We all hope for peace and good health to all.
Maybe one or two of you have applied to go to the Albert Hall on 5 June? It’s an amazing experience.
Our lovely Logo has been enlarged and we now have a QR Code that will take you straight to our website. It’s clever stuff, all done by my son. The website is maintained by Maria, who was our Treasurer and a member for many years.
Please have a go and see if you can get to the website via the QR Code.
You may like to know that I posted a video of one of the songs at our Christmas meeting on an Abingdon Facebook page. It has received 1500 plus hits with many compliments. It would not all happen without a lot of planning. The committee worked their socks off – thank you. I hope some of you had a chance to chat to Catherine Blaxhall our WI Adviser. She will visit again in March for our AGM.
The meal at Cosener’s was delicious and very well presented.
I took the goods donated to The Gatehouse in Woodstock Road, Oxford just before Christmas. It’s a sobering experience to see so many people that need both food and clothing.
Sunday 7 January – Coffee Club meeting Coffee Aroma, High Street, Abingdon from 2pm onwards. All welcome.
Friday 26 January 2pm Craft Group in the Morgan room, Northcourt Centre. Stitch with Diane. If interested, contact Trine.
The Art Group continue to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning of the month, also in the Morgan room. There is now a waiting list, contact Viv Lowe.
Lunch Club contact Pauline Claridge. The January date is yet to be decided.
Tuesday 9 January 1.30 pm WI Monthly Meeting at Northcourt Centre. A surprise guest appearance will replace the planned games afternoon. Just sit back and enjoy. After tea we will discuss the four campaigning resolutions proposed by the National Federation of WIs for 2024. Please bring your Nov/Dec copy of WI Life magazine as all four resolutions are fully explained on pages 23/24. There is also a slip to fill in. We will have a few spare copies just in case.
Saturday 3 February ‘’Oliver!’’ at 2.30 pm New Theatre, Oxford. I am awaiting tickets for those of you who have booked. If needs be l will deliver them all to you.
Tuesday 13 February 1.30 pm WI Monthly Meeting – there is another change to the programme. Al Sylvester will talk
about his trip to the South Pole.
All the best Trine’