December 2019 newsletter
It doesn’t seem possible that we are in December and Christmas is just round the corner. We are now three quarters of the way through our WI year and Viv has already applied for an adviser to attend our AGM in March. How time flies when you are enjoying yourself – or is it as you get older?
It has been a busy 9 months made even more hectic because the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs organised a number of events to celebrate its Centenary. A number of our members walked 100 miles well before the year was over. Thanks Anita and Jenny for encouraging us to take up the challenge. A talented group of members competed in the Centenary Celebration Competition in September, being placed third out of over 20 entries. Moira and some members were involved in the Jubilee Group’s Centenary picnic – held indoors because of torrential rain but they had fun reminiscing and singing the old favourite songs.
We have enjoyed a number of social events. On a lovely afternoon in the summer we had our Garden Party. In August we had the trip to Broughton Castle and in September we went to the Watermill theatre. Our Christmas lunch on Friday 6 December at the Hilton Garden Inn in Abingdon was most enjoyable with good food and fellowship. The meetings have been varied with some interesting speakers and a variety of activities. Painting pottery was fun with some excellent results and the art and craft evening was much enjoyed by all.
I am looking forward to our last meeting of the year this coming Tuesday on 10 December. We are organising a Christmas Celebration with all of us taking part. We will have music, recitation, food, wine, a competition, a tombola and lots of fun and fellowship – so please come. We have been asked by O’Hanlon House to contribute ladies toiletries to the homeless this year – not clothing.
I would like to thank my committee for their support and hard work. We are planning an interesting programme for next year and look forward to having more fun and fellowship in 2020.
I wish you all a very happy Christmas,