February 2023 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Hello again
February is the month of Aquarius, yes water and we have had plenty this year already. It would be wonderful if all this water could be saved properly and leaks mended for later on when the sun shines.

We welcomed Joan  last month as a new member and we were pleased to have Dawn join us a visitor. Do tell your
friends, family and neighbours what fun we have.

A big thank you to Val for standing in as Treasurer while Judy is in South America.

Do you have any local social history that might be interesting to look at? It could be a newspaper article, a photograph or an object. You might want to tell us about it?  We plan to have a table at the next meeting that you 
can browse at tea/coffee time.

There will also be a sales table with books, puzzles and anything else you want to donate.

Please let me know if you have any news items you want included in my newsletter or that you would like to tell us about at the meeting.

Programme 2023/24: Copies will be available at the April meeting.
Sunday 5 February –  Coffee Club meeting at Café Aroma 2pm onwards.
Friday 24 February – Craft club. Please let me know if you would like to join.
Art Group –  continues to meet on Mondays twice a month. Details from Viv Lowe.
Lunch Club – we have 10 interested names so far and hope to have offers from a couple of you who can lead this.
Next monthly meeting Tuesday 14 February ‘’ Mercy Ships” with Ken and June Brazier. Do wear you green heart if you have one as it is Love the Planet month as well as Valentine’s Day.
Jubilee Group news
Val Smith is the new convenor of this group of local WI’s who meet together a few times a year and provide excellent speakers.  The next meeting features a talk by Polly Vacher MBE, an inspirational local woman who, after learning to fly at the age of 50, specialised in long distance solo flights.  Her talk, entitled “Wings around the World” is the story of her flight from the North Pole to Antarctica in a single engine aircraft .
The meeting is at 7.15pm on Friday 14 April and takes place at the Northcourt Centre. Tickets cost £5 and are available from acting Treasurer Val at the February and March meetings.

Take care and enjoy the sun when it is out.
All the best Trine


Categories: Newsletters