February 2019 newsletter
Dear All
I hope you are all well and are glad to see the back of the recent snow.
As usual, just a reminder of what will be happening on Tuesday evening – we have Ivan Cadge, the husband of Viv, one of our members, who is coming along to share his knowledge and memories of The Abingdon Bunk Line. Those of you who are local or who have lived in Abingdon for a long time will probably remember that was the railway line which ran from Abingdon to Oxford. This will be an open meeting so if you would like to bring a friend, relative, or spouse please feel free to do so. We will have our usual raffle and sales table to try and raise some funds. Last month’s raffle raised £17, the sales table £8.40 and the refreshments £13 making a total of £38.40 for funds.
As the Guildhall in Abingdon has now re-opened we have been invited to take part in the clubs and Societies Day on 16 March. If anyone would like to man the WI stand for a short time on that day please speak to a member of the committee. It would be a good way of advertising and we might even get some new members!
Likewise we have been invited to have a stand in the Abbey Grounds on Saturday 6 April, again to advertise ourselves. If anyone is interested in helping out with that please see a committee member.
OFWI Annual meeting will take place on Tuesday 26 March at the Kassam Conference Centre in Oxford. Tickets are available at £22 each which will include a buffet lunch. Please put your name down if you would like to go.
Remember our March meeting is our Annual Meeting when the new committee will be elected (including President, Secretary and Treasurer). If you would like to nominate a member to be on the new committee, nomination forms will be available on Tuesday. Remember you must get the nominee’s consent.
There will be no lunch club meeting this month. Details of Jenny’s walk will be given on Tuesday.
I have been asked if anybody would be interested in helping with the refreshments at Abingdon Music Festival on either Sunday 10 March and/or Saturday 4 May. Please see me if you are interested and I can give you more details.
Remember to collect your copy of News and views if you don’t have it delivered. We will be circulating a board at our meeting for you to indicate whether or not you would like to continue to receive a copy of News and Views. We have to pay for these and we are having far too many left over so please only say you want a copy if you really do want one.
Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Kind regards