January 2023 Newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Hello again and wishing you all a Happy New Year!
I always heave a sigh of relief when we have passed the winter solstice. Longer days and hope. Hope for so much: peace and relief from hunger in the world. 

We can as individuals only do so much. It was a sobering experience to deliver our Christmas collection for the homeless to the shelter in Oxford. It was pouring with rain and so many people and some dogs were being looked after by the wonderful helpers who run these places.  Please look out for bargains that we can donate for next Christmas –  new socks, hats, gloves and toiletries. Thank you to all who gave.

The programme for 2023/24 is almost ready.
Sunday 8 January 2 pm Coffee Club meeting a week later than normal, at the Aroma Cafe.
Friday 27 January 2 pm Craft Club at Northcourt Centre.  All Craft Club dates for 2023 are now booked, usually the last Friday of the month, but not in August or December. We hope to do felting on 19 May. If you want to join, please contact Trine Lucy.
The Art Group continues to meet twice a month. Details from Viv Lowe.
Lunch Club – we will ask for names at our next meeting of those who might want to meet for lunch, possibly at the Spread Eagle pub in Northcourt Road

Tuesday 10 January John Place ‘’ Basic – Better – Best ‘’
NFWI Resolutions: Sabita Banerji from Sunningwell Wl will spend a few minutes on the resolution about women tea workers. Proper voting will take place in May 2023

Saturday 28 January Evita at Oxford Playhouse – thirty WI ladies and a few husbands from three Abingdon WIs signed up for tickets. Should be fun.

All the best for 2023


Categories: Newsletters