January 2019 newsletter
Dear all A very Happy New Year to you all. I hope 2019 will be a good year and that we will be able to enjoy good health, good friendships and happy times.
Tuesday’s meeting is obviously the first of this year and we are kicking off with a very interesting talk from Liz Woolley who is an Oxford historian. Her talk is entitled “Beer, Sausages and Marmalade” and is an amusing and informative talk about those very things being made in Oxford. We will get the sales table out and if anyone has anything to bring along please feel free to do so.
Last month’s tombola raised the grand sum of £44 and the sales table raised £8.40 making a total of £52.40 for funds which is great – thank you very much. We will have the usual raffle on Tuesday which brings in some much needed funds.
Thank you also to those people who kindly donated toiletries and warm clothing for the homeless. I made my annual visit to O’Hanlon House and the Gatehouse, both in Oxford, and took your donations to them – they were, as usual, delighted and asked me to pass on their thanks to you all.
Subscriptions are now due. They are £42 for the year and cheques should be made payable to “Abingdon Fitzharrys WI” please. Dual members pay £20.50.
Please bring your voting slip (which is on page 27 of last month’s WI Life) in order that we can send in our preferences for the resolution to be presented at the National Annual Meeting in Bournemouth in June.
Oxfordshire Federation is 100 years old this year and many events are being planned. The OFWI Annual Meeting will be held at the Kassam Conference Centre on Tuesday 26 March. If you would like to attend please see Barbara Osman to reserve your place.
Viv Cadge will be coming round on Tuesday evening with Rotas for the monthly flowers, refreshments and raffle. Please put your name down.
There will be no monthly lunch meeting in January.
I look forward to seeing on Tuesday. Enjoy your weekend.