July 2020 newsletter
10 July 2020
Good Afternoon Ladies,
I hope you are all well and have been able to see your families, and at last managed to get to a hairdresser.
Earlier this week we had a socially distanced committee meeting in Hilary’s garden to discuss, following requesting advice, when we can plan to resume our meeting. There is a lot to consider:
- Firstly, it will be necessary for us to carry out our own Covid 19 Risk Assessment of the building. (Please see attached)
- Secondly, after considering various options for Abingdon Fitzharrys W.I., it has been suggested we might consider moving our meetings to Tuesday Afternoon from 1.30 pm – 3.45 pm. The committee would appreciate your opinion on this. Of course, we would need to take a vote on this proposal, before making any changes. I have spoken to David Ward and the above time is available.
On a lighter note, it has been suggested we all could meet for an afternoon tea in the Abbey Grounds (near the Queen Victoria statue) on Tuesday 11 August at 2.30 pm. Please bring your own chair and snack.
I look forward to seeing you and please keep well and safe.
Sample COVID-19 Risk Assessment for hirers of Village and Community Halls
This sample document can be used as a guide to help your hirers produce their own COVID-19 risk assessment for use of your hall. Please be prepared to help them complete it in the light of your own premises. It is intended as a supplement to a group’s ordinary Risk Assessment.
Area of Risk | Risk identified | Actions to take to mitigate risk | Notes |
Cleanliness of hall and equipment, especially after other hires | Other hirers or hall cleaner have not cleaned hall or equipment used to standard required. Our group leaves hall or equipment without cleaning. | Group to check with hall committee when hall is cleaned and to make sure regularly used surfaces are cleaned before, during and after hire e.g. tables, sinks, door and toilet handles. | Can we bring our own equipment? |
Managing Social distancing and especially people attending who may be vulnerable | People do not maintain 2 m social distancing | Advise group they must comply with social distancing as far as possible and use one-way system. Adopt layout advised. Limit numbers using toilets at once. | Should we avoid use of kitchen – ask people to BYO food and drink? Allow older people time to use toilets without others present. |
Respiratory hygiene | Transmission to other members of group | Catch It, Bin It, Kill It. Encourage group to avoid touching mouth, eyes, and nose. Provide tissues ask all to dispose into a bin or disposable rubbish bag, then wash or sanitise hands. | Remember to bring tissues and hand sanitiser. Remember to empty any bins used into kitchen bin at end of hire. |
Hand cleanliness | Transmission to other members of group and premises | Advise group to use sanitiser on entering and exiting the hall, to wash hands regularly using soap and paper towels. | |
Someone falls ill with COVID- 19 symptoms | Transmission to other members of group and premises | Follow hall instructions. Move person to safe area, obtain contacts, inform cleaner. |