July 2022 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Dear Friends
Everyone seemed to enjoy the June meeting. We will try to incorporate more hands on activities into our programme. It was a busy afternoon and a big thank you to all who helped – Val with the flowers and all the yummy cakemakers, not forgetting Anne who did a Jubilee Quiz and chocolates for everybody.

We will soon start to formulate our programme for 2023/24. Recommended speakers would be most welcome.

Can you all start to collect plastic milk bottle tops please,  green, blue etc for an idea I have for next year.

I have recently collected the 6 Abingdon Fitzharrys horses from Avril’s stable. They need a good feed and some fresh grass so they will be fit for a gallop. The time and place is …
Wednesday 20 July here in Radley in my garden. Tickets will be on sale at our July meeting, £3 for a cup of tea, cake and racing fun. It might be a good idea to put a foldup chair in the car if you have one.
Sunday 3 July Coffee Club meets in Coffee Aroma 2pm onwards .
Tuesday 12 July Andy Kempe will tell us some unexpected facts about Greenham Common at the monthly meeting

Tuesday 16 August Guided tour of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford 11 am approximately. There will be a board for names at the July meeting so we have an idea how many are coming.
Why don’t you pick up a spare programme to give to a friend or neighbour? We need to spread the word.

All the best Trine




Categories: Newsletters