Newsletter – May 2018

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Dear All

I do hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather.  I have been in the garden hence this email is a little late – apologies for that.

On Tuesday evening we will be joined by Christine Wallace, a former Great British Bake Off contestant who is coming to talk to us about her time on the Bake Off.  Christine will also be demonstrating some cake decorating and we will then all have a chance to make a flower from sugar paste icing.  The programmes for 2018/2019 have now been printed and will be handed out at Tuesday’s meeting – make sure you get one.

Next month (June) we are having a social evening – not quite sure yet what form that is going to take but we do plan to play some games!

Last month’s raffle raised £17.30 and the nearly new sale raised £21.25 so well done everyone who supported that.

We now have 53 members so numbers are steadily rising.

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 14 August – there will be no evening meeting.  We have decided that instead of going on a coach outing this year we are going to visit Denman to have a tour of the house and gardens and then enjoy an afternoon tea in their new garden room.  More details about that next month.

We are thinking of having a trip to Broughton Castle and also the possibility of a visit to either the Bombay Sapphire Gin Factory or the Cotswold Distillery but  dates for these visits have  not yet been decided.  We will need volunteer car drivers for these trips but more of that later.  We are now looking at venues for our Christmas lunch.  The two suggestions we have so far are the Ock Mill or The Merry Miller.  If anyone has any other ideas please let us know.

The Jubilee Group meeting took place at Northcourt Centre on the 26 April – it was a lovely evening with a brilliant speaker – a lady called Ruth Rogers who was a puppeteer who had been involved in the stage production of War Horse.  The next Jubilee Group meeting is on 8 October but more of that at a later date.

On Friday 29 June we have been invited to Botley Wi for a skittles evening.  We plan to take three cars so if you would like to come please put your name down – there will be a board at the back of the hall.

As usual lots on offer in this month’s News and Views.  Please collect your copy if you don’t have it delivered.

Jenny and Sheila’s Walk will be on Wednesday 9 May to Radley to see the bluebells.  Further details on Tuesday.  If you would like to join the walk please let Jenny Jones know.

The monthly lunch club – I presume will meet on Tuesday 15 May.  Again, further details on Tuesday.

I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.

In the meantime have a great Bank Holiday Weekend.


Categories: Newsletters