Newsletter – September 2018
Dear All
I hope you have all had a good summer and have recovered from those exceptionally hot days. I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday at our next WI meeting when we have Jenny Gillespie coming to talk to us about nursing in Afghanistan. The sales table will be out so if any of you have any surplus runner beans, tomatoes, plums, apples or pears or anything suitable for the table please feel free to bring them along. As we have fewer members any money we can make on the sales table helps to keep us going. I’m sure you will have all read some books over the summer which you could bring along. Our decision to charge 50p for tea and coffee on meeting nights was the right thing to do – at last month’s meeting we raised £17.60 so we will be continuing with that each month.
Dates for your diary :
29 September – Denman Craft sale – 10 – 3
15 September – Denman Musical Evening from 3.00pm – tickets still available
8 October – Jubilee Group Meeting – Drayton Village Hall 7.30pm – Patricia Purcell – Confessions of an Opera Singer – Tickets £3 available on Tuesday.
Our meeting in October will be a Bring and Share Harvest Supper as well as donations for the local food bank.
Remember to collect your News and Views if you don’t have it delivered – you will see on page 4 details of next year’s subscriptions – again a rise of £1 to £42 per annum.
As usual there are lots of interesting pieces of news in the News and Views. You will see that the challenge for 2019 is to Get Active and complete 100 miles of exercise – (not all at once) but over the course of the year – a mile for each year Oxfordshire has been a Federation so lets see what we can achieve either as a group or on our own.
Any suggestions for the 2019 programme will be gratefully received by the present committee as we are trying to get the new programme together before we step down in March.
Look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.