October 2022 newsletter
Hello again,
September certainly turned out to be an unforgettable month. New beginnings all around. Let’s hope the same goes for the WI. Now that we are all out and about again, new ideas and whatever takes your fancy can have free flow. It looked like the Zumba went down well. Thea is such a happy, smiley person.
Last month we welcomed Jean to our WI as a new dual member. We are keen to foster more social interaction outside the actual meeting and are considering a Chatterbox Group. The Craft Group will have their first get together later this month and the Art Group continues to meet twice a month, the Walking Group once a month. We’d also like to start a Lunch Club centred on Abingdon where people could meet up monthly for lunch and a chat – we need a couple of people willing to set this in motion.
Programme – a few of us will meet shortly to discuss the programme for 2023/24. We really, really want to know what you want too. We are all different. Do tell us if you have an idea or want to join the programme planning get together on Tuesday 1 November.
Sunday 2 October Coffee club – drop in for a coffee and chat at Café Aroma in Abingdon 2 pm- 4 pm.
Tuesday 11 October Monthly meeting – We are collecting for the food bank this month – tinned soup, sauces, rice, small tins of spaghetti hoops and beans, shampoo, shower gel, washing up liquid, long life drinks are all much needed. The sales table will be for books, puzzles and spare autumn produce, please. We’ll be having a craft evening making knitted or crocheted flowers.
Wednesday 19 October – the Walking Group plan a walk along the Ock Path and around Albert Park.
Friday 2 December Christmas lunch at Cosener’s House in Abingdon. Two courses for £25.99. Please sign up if you want to go.
Tuesday 13 December our Christmas monthly meeting. We’ll be having a Tombola, so please look out any items you may have to donate to it.
Friday 28 January 2023 – trip to see ‘Evita’ at the Oxford Playhouse. Please sign up if you are interested. Non-WI members (male and female) are welcome to come along too.
Take care, all the best