September 2020 meeting report
Dear All
It was good to catch up with all of you on Tuesday 8 September in the Abbey grounds; Trine took some pictures, and she is hoping they will be in next month’s News & Views.
There was a very positive feeling amongst those present regarding our plans to hold our first afternoon meeting in October, but once again the Government has moved the goal posts with its new rule of six, which has probably put a stop to this. We will keep you posted!
It was good to hear from Gaby, who is now back home after her knee replacement operation last week, and she’s slowly mastering the art of walking with crutches!
I have also caught up with Sheila, who continues to make good but slow progress; she was really looking forward to coming to our meeting In October. Sheila has suggested we might like a small quiz to do as we walk around Abingdon – please let me know what you think !
Please do look at our website which, thanks to Maria, is up to date with the our news.
In the meantime, take care, keep well and enjoy this lovely weather.
Best wishes