September 2022 newsletter
Hello again
In June I wrote in my newsletter to you that I would do a sun dance for our garden party. I am afraid I might have overdone it. We certainly have had both sun and HOT weather. No more dancing for a while, it might go dreadfully wrong. Everybody seemed to enjoy the afternoon in my garden. There was certainly a lot of lively chat going on.
The guided tour around Christ Church Cathedral was fascinating. Jim certainly knew his stuff and told us several new stories about this famous place. A very big thank you to Moira for organising it for us. Three of us had a personal lunch delivery on a bench outside the college. A wonderful waiter crossed St Aldate’s three times with our coffees and toasted sandwiches. What service!
Oxford Operatic Society’s production of Calendar Girls at the Playhouse in July was wonderful. They are doing Evita at the Playhouse in January 2023. I will collect names for those who would like to go. Further details later.
Coming up:
Sunday 4 September Coffee club at Café’ Aroma 2pm drop in session .
Tuesday 13 September 1.30pm monthly meeting Seated Zumba with Thea. This is great fun. Do come along! We mentioned having a different type of raffle at this meeting – please bring a piece of fruit or vegetables which we can combine into raffle prizes.
Craft Club I have booked the Morgan room at the Northcourt Centre for the following dates:
2022 Fridays 28 October / 25 November 1 -3pm
2023 Fridays 27 January/ 24 February / 23 March 2 -4 pm
I have 10 names on the list those interested, including myself, but we can accommodate one or two more.
A format for this club has yet to be decided.
Walks Jenny organises a walk towards the end of every month. She emails those interested with the details every month, so ask her to put you on her mailing list if you’d like to receive this information. Walks information can also be found on the website.
The October monthly meeting will be a members craft taster meeting. Hoping to involve as many of you as possible.
That’s all for now. Take care
All the best Trine