April 2022 newsletter
Dear Friends
Thank you for electing me as your President for a second time after two such turbulent years. A big thank you to Moira especially for steering the ship through the pandemic. I will do my utmost to put Abingdon Fitzharrys on the map again. We have a great programme planned with many interesting speakers and I have many ideas. I was
heartened to have so many of you coming up me at our AGM offering help. Thank you.
We have Christine Bovington Cox coming on 12 April to talk about ‘’Policing over 40 years’’. Hilary Dix, our WI Advisor, will also be there to introduce herself and offer help. Moira will report on the Oxfordshire Federation of WI’s annual meeting that took place on Zoom, and one or two other ladies might be popping up too.
So, what can the WI give you apart from the monthly meeting? We already have an art group, Jenny’s walks and coffee club every Sunday. Several members would like a craft group and the possibilities are being looked into. There are many opportunities: books, theatre trips, lunch club, etc. We want to ask you all – what do YOU want?
100 years ago a WI here in Oxfordshire gave every member a seed potato and a prize was duly awarded to the person with the largest crop. Now, there is an idea!
Don’t forget books, puzzles etc for our sales table.
Visitors and friends are always welcome.
The subscriptions are due on 1 April. £44.00 for a full member and £21.60 for a dual membership. Cheques payable to Abingdon Fitzharrys WI or cash only please.
I look forward to seeing you all on the 12 April and you don’t want to miss the ditty at the end.
All the best Trine