June 2024 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Flaming June!! Let’s wait and see. My garden has gone mad and I love it!
A big welcome to Sarita our latest new member. We now total 43.
The flower arranging in May created quite a buzz. I hope you chatted to somebody new, because that’s what it’s all about – friendship.
You have all received details about a poetry competition. I do know that several members in the Art Group love poetry. Please have a go.
Talking about having a go, OFWI (the Oxfordshire Federation of WIs) need good resolution photographs of places in Oxfordshire for the front cover of Oxfordshire Inspires, their monthly magazine.  There are lots of interesting events to apply for in the latest issue. All events in Oxfordshire Inspires not only offer you interesting experiences but also
create much needed income for the Federation.

BOOK CLUB/ LIBRARY? I had an idea in the middle of the night as you do. Do you have a favourite book? How about starting a small library of recommended books? You could stick a label in the front with your name etc. Maybe with enough room for marks out of ten? 50p a go? All books to be returned so others can read it and the owner to get
her book back eventually.  Let me know what you think.

We do still want books and puzzles for the sales table and, for our coming meeting in June, we’d like plants and cuttings as well please.
Sunday 2 June – Coffee club meeting at Coffee Aroma 2pm onwards. All welcome.
Friday 28 June  – Craft Group 2 pm in the Morgan Room, Northcourt Centre. Contact Hilary Kell.
The Art Group continue to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning of the month in the Morgan Room, Northcourt Centre. There is now a waiting list.  Contact Viv Lowe.
Friday 21 June 12.30 pm at the Spread Eagle, Northcourt Road Get to know each other while you share a meal.
Want to join? Contact Pauline Claridge.

June monthly meeting – Judy will take us by ship on her memorable journey ‘’My Trip to South America’’
We also hope to have a report about the NFWI (National Federation of WIs) meeting in London on 5 June.

Wednesday 14 August 14 – Garden party 2pm in my garden. Tea, cake, raffle and a quiz. Raffle donations welcome. 
Tickets June/July meetings £4.00. I might need a few extra chairs.

All the best Trine

Categories: Newsletters