April 2020 newsletter

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Dear All,
I send you all my Good Easter Wishes, as we cope through these unprecedented and difficult times. I hope you are all keeping safe, healthy and managing to catch up with those belated spring cleaning jobs, both indoors and in the garden.  We can all find things to do, but most importantly I hope you’re managing to keep your larders, fridges and freezers well topped up.

How have you enjoyed the electronic version of our News & Views?  Different but a great asset during these very strange times.

Rebekah Pugh, our new WI adviser, has been in touch to offer her assistance, which was  kind. She told me that Oxfordshire Federation of WIs has set up a newsletter which we can all receive by email.  You just go onto their website at www.oxfordshirewi.co.uk and register – I have and now await my first one!

Over these last few weeks, all of us have had to adjust to a very different lifestyle, staying  at home, not being able to visit our families, though thanks to the internet, we can!  At first thought of staying at home and not going out was a challenge,  but I’ve adjusted to my new routine.  I like to get up early, go out for a walk, back home for breakfast and start the day . Our young neighbours have been doing our shopping.  They have set up a support group for the elderly!!

I would be delighted to hear how some of you are coping with things. I am sure you too  have been keeping in contact with your many friends  by email, texting, Facebook etc.

I look forward to catching up with you, take care, stay safe and keep well.

Thinking of you all during these very difficult times,
Best wishes