February 2021 newsletter
Dear all
I hope you and your families are all keeping well and that you managed to enjoy both your Christmas and New Year celebrations, albeit in very different way this year.
Sadly, we have entered into the New Year with yet another lockdown! I am sure many of us are finding it rather frustrating. But as one one my old school friends said to me earlier this week “the 1940s decade was a Fine Vintage.” I am sure she’s right. Being of that generation I know we will see it through and come out of this stronger and more determined to catch up on all things we’ve missed.
In this month’s magazine you’ll find that Trine is trying to encourage other WI’s to start their own Scrapbook. Trine is still adding to ours and she would be delighted to hear what you’ve been up to during lockdown – baking, knitting, sewing, painting, cooking or anything else.
Perhaps like me, you are running out of ideas as what to cook or bake for a CHANGE! I am sure lots of you have some interesting recipes you’d be happy to share, which I could pass on to members; I would be delighted to hear from all of you.
Oxfordshire Federation of Women’s Institutes have organised several interesting talks on Zoom throughout the month, you’ll find them on page 6 in this month’s magazine.
Hilary and I are hoping to attend the OFWI Annual Meeting on Zoom on Thursday March 25th at 7pm.
We will soon have to start thinking about our own Annual Meeting. Our Treasurer has our books ready to go to the auditor. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold any meetings during last year! Therefore our annual report might be shorter than normal.
We held two tea parties in the Abbey Meadows and the Sunday afternoon coffee club managed to meet once or twice. In December we were able to organise a stall at the Northcourt Centre for donations on behalf of the Food Bank.
If you have anything you would like members to know please get in touch.
Looking ahead, perhaps by the late spring, when hopefully most of the country will have been vaccinated, we could think about arranging our first meeting of the year – who knows, but let’s look on the bright side and stay positive.
In the meantime time stay safe, keep well and keep in touch.
Best wishes