July 2019 newsletter
22 July An update from our secretary, Viv.
I thought you’d be pleased to know that the profit made at the Northcourt Open afternoon on July 4th was £1,256.60. A big thank you to all who took part especially our members who contributed by giving a cake, helping on the day and by buying and selling raffle tickets. It was well worth the effort. You will be pleased to know that the outside of the building is in the process of being painted.
Other good news is that we made a profit of £83 at the Garden Party last Thursday. It was a delightful occasion which we all enjoyed. Thanks to all who made cakes and especial thanks to Anne for creating a quiz and organising the raffle. A big thank you for Moira for making us all so welcome and providing us with such a delightful venue. It was a lovely, friendly event, enjoyed by all.
1 July A note from our Secretary, Viv.
Just to remind you that the Northcourt Centre Open afternoon is this Sunday (7th July). I do hope you will give your support. There will be lots to see as well as entertainment, a cup of tea and a piece of cake. You may be lucky and win a raffle prize. The weather looks promising too.
Moira is home from her long holiday and is trying to catch up on all the jobs she didn’t do before she went! She will be taking the meeting on Tuesday.
We have a Committee Meeting on Thursday at 10 am at her house on Nuneham Square ( changed venue please note) when we will make arrangements for the various events coming up in the next couple of months – some you know about and others still to be decided.
Anita has been thinking about social time for the meeting and has suggested you think about something which happened to you which was noteworthy and worth telling us about.
“A funny/ memorable/ scary/ interesting/ – trip- outing- experience- day-holiday …. that I’ll never forget”.
Don’t be shy – have a try!
6 July Moira’s newsletter
Dear All,
I am most grateful to Hilary, Viv and the committee for standing in for me whilst I was on holiday. We had a great adventure and have at last caught up with all there was to do when we came home.
Looking ahead this looks to be a busy month beginning with Northcourt Open Day tomorrow. On Tuesday Christine Green, once a Graphic Designer for the BBC, will be our speaker. After the coffee break I hope some of you will delight us with a story recalling a memorable moment in your life.
I hope you have noted 18 July in your diaries for the Summer Garden Party from 2 until 4.30 in my garden at 7 Nuneham Square. (Bring a chair.) Tickets for £3 will be on sale at the meeting on Tuesday. Volunteer scone or cake makers guaranteed free entry!
As you know, we are planning a trip to Broughton Castle on 13 August. The cost is £10 (plus £5 transport payable to your driver on the day.) We need 20 to make it viable so if you haven’t a ticket please see Ann on Tuesday. There are still places to fill.
A Summer Picnic and Concert on the village green at Steventon is planned by the Jubilee Group on Tuesday 30 July. If you are interested you can buy a ticket on Tuesday for £3.
Have you walked 100 miles yet? That’s our challenge for this centenary year. We have a plan to help you achieve at least a mile and Anita will tell you all about it on Tuesday.
Finally – have you noticed that Dame Stella Rimington will be speaking to members at Oxford Town Hall on Monday 28 October? If you wish to hear her it will cost £21 and you will need to book early because I imagine there will be a big take-up. See Ann with your cheque on Tuesday.
In the meantime, take a comfy chair outside and bask in the summer sunshine – while it lasts.