June 2021 newsletter
What has happened to our weather? Last year May was a glorious month but this year we have had rain and more rain! Thankfully the last two days have been much warmer. Last Tuesday just a few brave ladies made it to the Abbey Grounds, and to our surprise Anita had brought Hazel along. It was good to catch up with her and she was delighted to win the raffle. I think all of us who managed to get to the Abbey Grounds enjoyed a good chat and catch up.
It was good to see so many of you at our last Zoom meeting and everyone looked as if they enjoyed the quiz. Thanks to Denise and Val for sorting the questions.
Now some of the restrictions have been lifted, the committee made the decision to hold this year’s Annual General Meeting in the Northcourt Centre, on Tuesday 8 June. The doors will open at 1.30 pm. Masks should been worn into the Northcourt Centre, but can be removed at the meeting. Seating in the hall will be with 6 members to a table. After the formalities and before our speaker, the committee will serve you tea and cakes at your table. Refreshments will be provided but please bring your own cup/mug. After tea I will introduce Carole Paige, a retired Chief Constable. Carole will be telling us “How women work their way up.”
It was agreed due to these strange times that the current committee would stand for another year, but if anyone would like to join us you would be very welcome; to date we have one volunteer.
I hope some of you will have seen the article about Abingdon Fitzharrys WI in this month’s Round&About magazine.
Future Plans.
Tuesday 27 July – Summer Garden Party.
Tuesday 10 August – Summer Outing to Blewbury Manor.
I hope to see you all at our AGM.
In the meantime enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts, take care and stay safe.