November 2023 newsletter
Hello ladies, We had our first frost on the car last week and some delicate plants are now in the porch.
The Christmas preparations are well and truly underway. We had a very impressive speaker about penicillin last month, might be worth having her back for something else. We had two visitors who are thinking about joining and Jean managed to set up the music to accompany us with Jerusalem. Thank you Jean.
Friday 27 October Craft group 2 pm at Northcourt Centre. Knitting with beads with Jean. Interested? Contact Trine Lucy.
Sunday 5 November Coffee club meeting – Coffee Aroma in the High Street from 2 pm onwards. Will there be fireworks?
Art Group – continues to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning of the month in the Morgan room at Northcourt Centre. There is now a waiting list – contact Viv Lowe.
Lunch Club – next lunch is arranged for Wednesday 15 November and their Christmas lunch will be on Tuesday 19 December. Both at the Spread Eagle in Northcourt Road. Contact Pauline Claridge.
Tuesday 14 November – our next WI monthly meeting will be an in house craft taster afternoon. You might be asked to bring basic equipment. Watch this space.
Friday 8 December – Abingdon Fitzharrys WI Christmas lunch at Cosener’s House. We now have 29 names down to come and there is room for one more. If you are interested then you need to make your menu choice and the cost is £25 in cash.
Tuesday 12 December – Christmas WI monthly meeting. There will be musical entertainment and a Tombola – please start saving suitable items. Also at the Christmas meeting we usually collect warm clothing to donate to the homeless – new hats, socks, scarves etc
Saturday 3 February – our outing to see a matinee performance of Oliver! at the New Theatre in Oxford. I have ordered and paid for 30 tickets, costing £20 each. Those of you who have ordered tickets, please let me have your payment in cash in a named envelope.
Take care and all the best, Trine