Our August Perambulation

Published by AbingdonFitzharrysWI on

Report on the event


Marian writes: We went on our walk this morning around the cricket pitch (counting up the miles) courtesy of Abingdon Vale Cricket Club and hosted by Anita and Bryan and their daughter, Kerry.  We enjoyed the social time very much and were so lucky to have been blessed with a lovely day weatherwise.   Kerry was in the kitchen making coffee and we could have coffee and delicious home made cake for £1!!  A really lovely occasion and we were joined by some of the ladies from the evening WI. 

Plans for the event

Anita has had another good idea to help you clock up more miles walking to reach your 100 miles target this year as part of  the NFWI Fitness and Wellbeing Campaign.

Meet us at Abingdon Vale Cricket Club to circumnavigate the field in their riverside grounds.

The Club is just over Abingdon Bridge on the right immediately before Abingdon Town Football Club.

Entry signs will be posted on the day.

Anita writes:-

The perambulation is on Thursday 15 August from 10 am until 1pm.

Come any time between those times….walk any distance you like. Distances will be measured and marked so you can walk as far, or as little, as you want or you may want to come along just to watch and enjoy the fellowship. Bring a friend if you wish. Members of other WIs are invited too

We have the use of the Pavilion facilities including toilets. Tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits will be provided. You can park your car on site.

If the weather is not nice we could still gather and have a social morning.

So come along, bring the dog, it would do you – and the dog – good. A word of warning – dogs mustn’t eat cake!


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