September 2023 newsletter
Hello, I do hope you have all had a good summer in spite of the rain. Eight of us certainly had rain on our WI outing to Greys Court which included a surprise tour of Berinsfield. We all made the most of it and had a really good time. It is well worth a visit for the gardens alone. I am definitely going back to see the wisteria in bloom and Christmas is meant to be good as well.
Sunday 3 September – Coffee club meeting at Café Aroma 2pm onwards.
Wednesday 20 September – Lunch Club 12.30 pm at The Spread Eagle, Northcourt Road. Contact Pauline Claridge.
Friday 29 September – Craft group, 2 pm at Northcourt Centre. Hexagons continued.
Art Group Continue to meet every 2nd and 4th Monday morning of the month in the Morgan room at Northcourt Centre. Interested? Contact Viv Lowe.
Our next monthly meeting is on Tuesday 12 September. David Busby will bring his bees to show us, and also produce to sell. We would all be in a right pickle were it not for the bees. So small and yet so vital to the whole world. I certainly plan to stock up on local honey etc.
We also plan to do a ‘’Your 5 a day” raffle at the meeting. PLEASE bring one piece of fruit or vegetable for our unprocessed food raffle.
Monday 2 OctoberJubilee Group meeting at Drayton Village Hall 7.15 pm. The speaker is local author Julie Summers, whose book Jambusters inspired the TV series Home Fires set in World War 2. Her lavishly illustrated talk is entitled Uninvited Guests and will shine a light on secret goings on at local places requisitioned in wartime, including Waddesdon and Blenheim Palace.
Tickets are £5.00 which includes tea/coffee and cake and they are available at our monthly meeting from Val.
Tuesday 12 December – our Christmas monthly meeting will include musical entertainment and a Tombola. Please start collecting suitable items for the Tombola now.
Date for your diary Friday 8 December Christmas lunch at Coseners House.
Take care and all the best Trine