September 2019 meeting report
Abingdon Fitzharrys WI 10 September 2019
After a short business meeting (see below) we enjoyed a bring and share supper and the raffle was drawn. Now it was time for members to sit around tables in groups of 8 and begin working on a questionnaire called “Getting to know you”, created and introduced by Anita. The conversation and discussion which followed was lively and revealing. There was overwhelming agreement that something should be done about improving the floral displays on the roundabouts in Abingdon!
Bingo followed and the ladies, heads down, concentrated on their cards. The tension increased as almost all the numbers were used. Three members completed their card at the same time. There was only one prize, a most attractive ladies pen kindly donated by Moira. Maria picked the disc with the highest number and was declared the winner.
The meeting closed sometime before 10.
Business part of the meeting
- Moira opened the meeting by welcoming 3 visitors, Caroline, Margaret, and Claire and thanked Hilary B for the lovely flower arrangement which it was agreed would be added to the raffle prizes.
- Apologies: received from Hilary K, Jill H, May, Gaby, Sue, Stella, Gill, and Loran.
- Matters arising from the previous month
- Our Garden Party made £83 for funds.
- Moira reported that the Jubilee Group Centenary Picnic in Steventon in July was a great success in spite of the rain.
- Our outing to Broughton Castle in August had been much enjoyed by the members. The guide was excellent.
- Anita consulted her record sheet and reported on the Centenary Challenge. Some of our members have already walked over a hundred miles. A number of us gathered on Abingdon Vale Cricket Club grounds on 15 August with the intention of circumnavigating the field to add a few more miles to our total. Thanks to those who supported our effort by providing delicious cakes and biscuits for refreshment! Thanks also to Keri, Anita’s daughter, for serving tea and coffee.
- Dates for the diary
- Monday 16 September Walking Group to meet at Hythe Bridge, Oxford at 11 o’clock to walk along the Oxford canal.
- Tuesday 17 September lunch club meeting at The Spread Eagle, Northcourt Road, Abingdon.
- Saturday 21 September Oxfordshire Federation of WIs Art & Craft Exhibition and Competition at Didcot Civic Hall 10am – 4 pm.
- Monday 28 October -Tickets to hear Stella Rimington (former Head of MI5) at Oxford Town Hall are still available from the OFWI office at Tackley.
- Wednesday 27 November – Caribbean Day at Benson Village Hall.